Farahdiena NF, a high school student at SMAN 5 Bandung, a pure Indonesian-Javanese blooded girl, was born on March 11th 1995 in a small town in West Java, Indonesia.
I lived in NYC and now currently living in Bandung.

I started blogging since May 2009. This is not only a fashion blog but I have a big interest on Fashion so this blog is mostly about fashion.

I love anything vintage, but also trying and experimenting new styles. I can get inspirations everywhere around me but who inspires me the most is my sister. Alexa Chung, Twiggy, Audrey Hepburn, Sonia Eryka, Gogirl! Magazine are my role models.

a PARAWHORE. yes, Paramore I love them. Arctic Monkeys. cannot live without Maroon5 songs.
& Indie Indonesian Bands. anything jazzy.

Fashion, ofcourse. Photography, Music, Guitar, Piano, Drawing, ART, tumblr, blogging, and just sitting around on my bed.

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